stoned blog

plant sounds

plant sounds

PLANT SOUNDS 2.22.22 LIVING LIFE IN FULL COLOR We met Nico Georis @milkywayradio at Mercado Sagrado a few years back. We heard these beautiful, harmonious tones gracing the air waves with their presence. As we approached the source point of where the sounds were traveling from, we found little sticky things with wires placed on the side of a tree. Nico and his big beautiful heart came over & started expressing his deepest purpose in this life. He listens to and records the sounds plants create. A very special, sacred experience and one that he is finely attuned to. He...

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Creating and Maintaining a Sustainable Household

Creating and Maintaining a Sustainable Household

With more than a whiff of nostalgia, images of communes and free-living, with different generations living in harmony and at-one with nature, have stirred up in us a desire to create a sustainable household.  Photos of children running care-free through wild meadows, whilst parents enjoy the connection that comes from a simple life are powerful motivators for wanting to create something of the There-and-Then in the Here-and-Now.  Current climate concerns mean that more and more of us are looking to return to a more sustainable way of living and enjoy the off-grid benefits of tuning in and dropping out of...

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Trips Fest 1966

Trips Fest 1966

The single most important event that made hippies known was the week long Trip festival at the golden gate park in california. The Golden Gate Park was one of the two parks that all hippies knew well. The Trips Festival was designed to celebrate the LSD experience. Hippies thought that LSD put them in touch with there sorroundings. "what a trip"

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the immunity is community

the immunity is community

What we need more than ever, to help stand in our truth, is community of like-minded folks.  It's all love but people have different options regarding everything.  Find the ones you vibe with and see how it goes from there.  Together we stand strong holding each other up arm in arm.  Find your community to build your immunity.  The lone wolf is not the way today and it never has been.   THEY’VE GOT THE GUNS, BUT WE’VE GOT THE NUMBERS” JIM MORRISON

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