for the dreamers

for the dreamers
do you record your dreams?  many say that the answers you are seeking are hidden in the subconscious and that's playing out in your dreams at night.  So first thing in the AM before ANYTHING grab your dream book journal  and write down everything you remember.  There are amazing books that help explain the meaning the strange things that happen in dream time. Try it out for 21 days, it is said if we start paying more attention to our dreams we will dream more and in time we will be able to lucid dream and control our dreams.  has anyone learned to lucid dream?

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  • Yes I have by real master and it has changed my life. 🌈🌞🦋

    The Wolf on
  • Back up. That is the book my mom gave me and I left at your house in high school. So fun to see your line, but seeing this—the best. My dream book??? Weird!

    kristen mallette on

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